# Joining Testnets

# Current testnets

Below is the list of Rebus testnets and their current status. You will need to know the version tag for installation of the rebusd binary.

For details of upgrades on the current testnet, as well as syncing, you can check out the testnets repo, which is the definitive source of truth.

If you get stuck, then please ask on Discord.

chain-id Current Github version tag Description Status
reb_3333-1 v1.0.0 Testing Rebus platform. current

# Minimum Hardware Requirements

The minimum recommended hardware requirements for running a validator for the Rebus testnets are:

Chain-id Requirements
  • 16GB RAM
  • 200GB of disk space
  • at least 2 cores cpu

# rebusd Installation

To get up and running with the rebusd binary, please follow the instructions here

# Configuration of Shell Variables

For this guide, we will be using shell variables. This will enable the use of the client commands verbatim. It is important to remember that shell commands are only valid for the current shell session, and if the shell session is closed, the shell variables will need to be re-defined.

If you want variables to persist for multiple sessions, then set them explicitly in your shell .profile, as you did for the Go environment variables.

To clear a variable binding, use unset $VARIABLE_NAME . Shell variables should be named with ALL CAPS.

# Choose a testnet

Choose the <chain-id> testnet you would like to join from here. Set the CHAIN_ID:



# Set your moniker name

Choose your <moniker-name>, this can be any name of your choosing and will identify your validator in the explorer. Set the MONIKER_NAME:



# Set persistent peers

Active and running peers will be required to tell your node where to connect to other nodes and join the network. To retrieve the peers for the Rebus testnet:

#Set the base repo URL for the testnet & retrieve peers
CHAIN_REPO="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rebuschain/rebus.testnet/master" && \
export PEERS="$(curl -s "$CHAIN_REPO/seeds.txt")"

# check it worked
echo $PEERS

# Set minimum gas prices

In $HOME/.rebusd/config/app.toml, set gas minimum prices:

# note testnet denom
sed -i.bak -e "s/^minimum-gas-prices *=.*/minimum-gas-prices = \"0.0008arebus\"/" ~/.rebusd/config/app.toml

# Setting up the Node

These instructions will direct you on how to initialise your node, synchronise to the network and upgrade your node to a validator.

# Initialize the chain

rebusd init $MONIKER_NAME --chain-id $CHAIN_ID

This will generate the following files in ~/.rebusd/config/

  • genesis.json
  • node_key.json
  • priv_validator_key.json

# Download the genesis file

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rebuschain/rebus.testnet/master/genesis.json > ~/.rebusd/config/genesis.json

This will replace the genesis file created using rebusd init command with the genesis file for the testnet. ****

# Set persistent peers

Using the peers variable we set earlier, we can set the persistent_peers in ~/.rebusd/config/config.toml:

sed -i.bak -e "s/^persistent_peers *=.*/persistent_peers = \"$PEERS\"/" ~/.rebusd/config/config.toml

# Create a local key pair

Create a new key pair for your validator:

rebusd keys add <key-name> --coin-type 118 --algo secp256k1

# Query the keystore for your public address
rebusd keys show <key-name> -a

Replace <key-name> with a key name of your choosing.

If you already have a key from a previous testnet, you can recover it using the mnemonic:

rebusd keys add <key-name> --recover  --coin-type 118 --algo secp256k1

The key is Keplr and Keplr+Ledger wallet compatible. (type=118 algo=secp256k1)

# Get some testnet tokens

Testnet tokens can be requested from the #faucet channel on Discord.

To request tokens type $request <your-public-address> in the message field and press enter.

# Setup cosmovisor

Follow these instructions to setup cosmovisor and start the node.

# Syncing the node

After starting the rebusd daemon, the chain will begin to sync to the network. The time to sync to the network will vary depending on your setup, but could take a very long time. To query the status of your node:

# Query via the RPC (default port: 26657)
curl http://localhost:26657/status | jq .result.sync_info.catching_up

If this command returns true then your node is still catching up. If it returns false then your node has caught up to the network current block and you are safe to proceed to upgrade to a validator node.

# Upgrade to a validator

To upgrade the node to a validator, you will need to submit a create-validator transaction:

rebusd tx staking create-validator \
  --amount 9000000arebus \
  --commission-max-change-rate "0.1" \
  --commission-max-rate "0.20" \
  --commission-rate "0.1" \
  --min-self-delegation "1" \
  --details "validators write bios too" \
  --pubkey=$(rebusd tendermint show-validator) \
  --moniker $MONIKER_NAME \
  --chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
  --gas-prices 0.0025arebus \
  --from <key-name>

# Backup critical files

There are certain files that you need to backup to be able to restore your validator if, for some reason, it damaged or lost in some way. Please make a secure backup of the following files located in ~/.rebusd/config/:

  • priv_validator_key.json
  • node_key.json

It is recommended that you encrypt the backup of these files.